Dmitry Korolev

Tel.: +380 66 8832655
Skype: dmitry.v.korolev

AUTOKORSAK pairig software

The software provides with pairing algorithm based on Vladimir Korsak grouping method. It is a variation of MacMahon Swiss pairing system. Main idea is in separating one MacMahon group to higher and lower ones and than pairing the first players from these group parts while the group has more than one player. (Nevertheless the last round is paired by 'the first against the last' schema.) Unpaired player should be paired with middle player from next MacMahon group.

Following languages are supported by AutoKorsak:

  • English,
  • Russian and
  • Ukrainian.
Though please feel free to add your local language using XML-based translation file format. Just specify file name as ak_xx.tsl where xx is a 2-character culture code, and translate sentences one by one according to examples. The applcation checks language files on its start and connects to them automatically.

Note: To include complete translation into the software installation pack just send it to the software developer.

The application supports several standard WPF themes (Aero, Luna, Royale and Classic) and allows to set default one to be similar to current Windows theme.

AutoKorsak uses a data format that is compatible with Christoph Gerlach MacMahon software. This approach allows to be flexible with pairing and use both pairing programs.

The software is compatible with EGD rating system.

The application is also well-integrated with EGD in term of player searching. It is possible to find any registered player and import all the data into a player's card.

Note: Name (eng.) end Surname (eng.) fields are used for EGD searching if the transliteration is swiched on.

Actual version: 1.16

What's new
  • Both Russian and Ukrainian languages are supported in UFGO rating list and rating system;
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of surname combobox at Player window.

  • The bug with color balancing in case of handicap games is fixed again;
  • New rating for handicap games is calculating taking the handicap in calculation;
  • Fixed some minor optical bugs.

  • Fixed bug with color balancing in case of handicap games;
  • "Include handicap in the calculation of the breakers (SOS, SOSOS, etc.)" option now is working.

  • "Display handicap in komi (in stones otherwise)" option is added to the Handicap tab of the Tournament properties window;
  • When players are imported from some tournament file, their rating is recalculated as the tournament result.

  • "Plain tournament tables (*.txt)" file format is added to Open tournament dialog. This extension allows to load tournament tables stored as plain text. UTF or ASCII players name are detected automatically. Windows-1251 codepage is used for ASCII;
  • This format is also supported in players importing;
  • Double clicking on unassigned pairing at the Wall List leads to calling a window with new pair creation;
  • Unnamed players are not displaying in the Wall List and do not participate the pairing.

  • The Tournament properties window is redesigned;
  • "Wall List" tab is added to the Tournament properties window for assigning Wall List columns' visibility and order;
  • "Groups" tab is added as well to the Tournament properties window for setting group properties of McMahon pairing system. The tab is invisible for another kinds of tournaments;
  • "Rating" tab with graphical info is added to the Player window. There are 2 sub-tabs "History" and "Tournament" added into the tab. The "History" shows rating history according to selected Database source;
  • New rating (Rating2) is calculated after each round. The rating calculation is based on Ukrainian rating system;
  • Some other improvement are added.

  • Scheveningen pairing system is supported;
  • "Genarate random start numbers" command is added to "Round" menu for Round-robin and Scheveningen systems;
  • Team poins calculation is added to the Wall List;
  • Automatic pairing of the last round is improved.

  • Round-robin pairing system is supported;
  • First move color selection has been added to the tournament properties;
  • Improved automatic pairing functionality.

  • It is possible to use players' info from specified rating-systems. Rating-lists could be synhronized through the Internet;
  • Added "Use local player database" option and "Database source" submenu to the "Players" menu;
  • Added quick-search functionality to the Player window based on specified Database source;
  • Added navigation commands for the Round menu;
  • Added navigation and "Save and create new" buttons to Pairing window like it is already done at Player window;
  • Improved manual pairing functionality.

  • Fixed all known bugs;
  • Added "<-" and "->" navigation buttons to Player window;
  • In case of new player "Save and create new" button appears instead of "Apply" button;
  • Team and coach in Player window can be set by combo box with existed data in the tournament;
  • Added new option "Use manually managed Super bar" to Tournament window and corresponded option "Super bar member" to Player window;
  • Added new tournament option "Assing start scores without gaps" to produce start scores like 1, 2, 3, 4... for players with rank of 19k, 17k, 5k, 1k instead of usual 1, 3, 15, 19.

  • MacMahon 2.* file format (*.tur) support is added to Open dialogs of tournament and players importing;
  • "Transliteration support" option is added to Tournament properties for hiding unneeded local names of players;
  • Fixed bug with transliteration that appeared in case of player's country is not set.

  • Upper MacMahon group can be set by players amount, not only by level;
  • Handicap setting by rank is added;
  • Handicap komi is added, this one can be calculated or set manually;
  • Compensated rises and downs are displayed with additional icon;
  • Preliminary/finally registation field value for new player depends on previously edited one;
  • "Rank" column is added to Wall List;
  • Fixed bug with Rating updating on Rank changing.

  • "Ctl-R" hotkey is added to "Add player" command;
  • "Import" command is added to "Player" menu for importing players from another tournaments;
  • Transliteration is improved to be depended on country code. Transliteration tables for UA and RU countries are done;
  • Bug that leaded to the application crash is fixed.

  • "Comments" column is added to Players and Pairing tables;
  • Highlighting of missing pairing in Wall List;
  • Displaying player's rising and descenting in Wall List;
  • "Export data for Rating system ..." is added to Reports menu. The result is compartible with EGD.

  • "Coach" field is added to Player;
  • "Name (eng.)", "Surname (eng.)" fields are added to Player;
  • "Transliterate" button is added to Player window;
  • "Country" and "club" fields for new player are filled according to corresponded fields of previous player;
  • "Skipping the rounds" column in Player List;
  • Sorting pairs by strength;
  • Highlighting preliminary registered players in Wall List;
  • Wall List is sortable;
  • Fixed known bugs.

  • MacMahon Superbar member visualization;
  • Highlighting not finished games in Wall List;
  • Recent files in Tournament menu;
  • Editing players and game results from Wall List using double click.

Download: AutoKorsak.msi (~1Mb).

Warning! MS .Net 4.0 is required.

Following figures are clickable.